Gastrointestinal symptoms like flatulence, bloating, stomach aches, diarrhea, and a whole gamut of side effects can occur with beans. Many blame lectins for that, but the oligosaccharides (sugars) such as raffinose and stachyose are causing that. The fact that beans are high-lectin foods is irr...
Fun ways to servegreen eggsinclude at a children's birthday party, a Saint Patrick's Daybrunchand an Easter or spring brunch. Coloring hard-boiled eggs a pale green before placing them in a long narrow planter of fresh-looking grass and daffodil blossoms, with some small flocked birds added...
'Superfoods' are all the rage, popularized by consumers turning to nutrient-rich fruits, seeds and leafy greens to maintain health and wellness. But scientists say these foods, while often treated as exotic fare, aren't a silver bullet.
Our chicken, which my son rescued from a dog attack and subsequently nurtured back to health, has been laying very large, beautiful green shelled eggs every day for three months now. Inside they are white and the yolk is dark yellow. The shells are quite thick. ...
No Synthetic Chemicals:Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers. Instead, farmers rely on natural alternatives such as compost, green manure, cr...
A large number of phytonutrients fall into the flavonoid category. They are found in a variety of plant foods. The types of flavonoids include: Catechins.Green tea is an especially good source of catechins. The drink may help prevent certain types of cancer. ...
Regarding colors, red foods, such as red beans, tomatoes, apples, watermelon and red dates, are said to be good for the heart. Green foods, including cucumbers, green beans and wax gourds, benefit the liver and gall bladder. Yellow foods, such as soybean...
While it’s impossible to completely avoid unhealthy foods at times, it’s smart to stick to mainly minimally processed foods. There are a few ways to ensure you consume nutritional food options: Read your labels.The fewer ingredients, the better. If you can’t pronounce most of the ingredie...
I know you have some Amazon gift certificates that you are dying to spend on books for that new Kindle that you got over the holidays cookbookkindlepaperbackvegan cookbook Ingredient Foods Thai Peanut Sauce December 23, 2011 Use as a dipping sauce for fresh salad rolls, spring rolls, tofu or...
Collard greens are large-leafed, dark green plants related to cabbage, kale, and mustard greens. They're very high in vitamins...