33. What are the good results of the studies on a farm?① The cows' stomachs get used to the seaweed.② The cows that eat seaweed gain weight like other cows. The cows produce more methane five months later.4 The seaweed helps control methane even after a long time. D. ③④ B 3...
I like cows because they can give us milk and their meat is the most delicious! I love beef hamburgers!Ha ha! I'm only joking. Seriously though I think hens are one of the best animals. Why? Because they can lay eggs. Eggs andmilk are good for our health. And I like rabbits ...
T:Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Tan. Lead-in:T:Before the class, I introduce my mother and father,My mother is a farmer. My father is a farmer, too. They are farmers. They have a small farm..(show a picture of farm) Look carefully, What’s on the farm?
Also known as cows (female) or bulls (male), are domesticated ungulates reared as livestock for their meat, milk, hides, and even excrement. Cattle are also used as labor animals in pulling carts, plows, and other implements. Specific breeds of cattle are raised to take advantage of their...
While cows are often associated with a docile nature due to their role in milk production, bulls are known for their more aggressive tendencies, which can be attributed to their testosterone levels and breeding instincts. This difference in temperament influences how each is managed on farms. 5 ...
a good meal.One by one,he found the cows and killed them all. The story gives us something to (7) B .What the cows did not understand is that there is strength (力量) in numbers.This is(8) C even for people.If we stay close with our friends and family mem...
A、longest B、longer C、the longest D、long 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 5 题【单选题】 — Birds are___ than insects. — You"re right. A、big B、much bigger C、very bigger D、biggest 【答案】: 2 / 12 【解析】: 最新教育资料精选 第 6 题【单选题】 — Zhou Fang, can you ...
Bovine (cow or beef) collagen:Bovine collagencomes from cows, specifically from their skin, bones and muscles. It’s made of mostly types 1 and 3 collagen, which is a good fit considering these are the most abundant types created and found in the human body. It’s a rich supply of gly...
So why are these milk lectins nutritious for the baby while being potentially poisonous to another species? That’s how lectins work. They ensure the food is good for whoevershouldget it, but not good foreveryone. Is lectin the same as lecithin?No, they sound similar but are completely diff...
It was good if fathers who are always engage in prepare shelter and food for children and anxoius about their future, to learn children and speak more to them, tell about lots of lies.wolfs.dogs in the mask of friends...even small phrases would increase self esteem of child. why some...