We need the complete righteousness of Christ but also the continuing righteousness that comes as a response to God’s gift. The enemy tempts us with all kinds of sinful entanglements, but righteousness protects our hearts. God’s instructions are often viewed as killjoys or burdens. ...
faith isn’t just about believing in God—it’s about trusting Him enough to obey, even when the path ahead is uncertain. Whether facing trials, waiting on God’s promises, or standing firm in difficult situations, these examples inspire us to trust God with unwavering faith in our ow...
The rejection of God by Israel in Joel led to a great act of redemption by God. And yet the even greater rejection of God’s own Son by his people has led to the greatest redemption of all—one that will reach to the ends of the earth. Jesus is the ‘yes’ to all God’s promi...
I was shocked. Our world is so full of this race hating that race, then comes the violence and injuries or deaths following. We separate everyone in this world. I believe it’s wrong. I don’t care what race you are. God doesn’t care what color we are. All are free to choose t...
It's a verbal or written assurance based on trust between individuals. Proverbs, however, are traditional sayings that encapsulate wisdom, moral beliefs, or life's truths, often passed down through generations. They are used to convey common wisdom or cultural beliefs succinctly. 6 While promises...
He wants billions of dollars for a U.S. border wall. Democrats are refusing. Pelosi said outside the White House that there would be rapid passage Thursday of legislation to re-open the government — without funds for the border wall. But the White House has rejected that package, and it...
As in Thompson's work generations later, you are always "there". With us. In fact, the sense of writer participation in the work of both Shakespeare and Thompson shoots through each line. In Thompson's case--"as your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown ...
To communicate, convey, or offer for conveyance Give him my best wishes. Give us the latest news. Give To let go for a price; sell Gave the used car away for two thousand dollars. Giving To endure the loss of; sacrifice Gave her son to the war. Gave her life for her country. Gi...
Love God first and it will be easier to love your spouse second. We are looking forward to finding out what God has planned for you two. Your marriage will be strong because the two of you are strong in your faith. May God’s love be the glue that holds your marriage together. ...
here be silent, and let the grace of God reign by Jesus Christ…What God promises, we ourselves do not through free will of human nature, but He Himself does by grace within us…Men labor to find in our own will something that is our own, and not God’s; how can they find it, ...