Use a keyword research tool to see how many people are searching for your topics. This will give you an idea of the opportunity size of each one. Google Trends. Search your topics on Google Trends. Look for topics that are growing in interest. This means the opportunity size will keep gr...
Current trends in e-commerce The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for your business to thrive. Here are some of the most prominent trends shaping the future of online retail: Mobile shopping With smartphones at the center of our daily li...
Globalization is the operation of businesses and organizations across borders and continents on a global scale. This has led to improvements in supply chains and production efforts by allowing certain nations with a competitive advantage to expand operations to supply goods to more customers. ...
International business might be a good major for a student who is interested in practicing business on a global scale and seeking profit. Economics might be a good major for a student who is interested in analyzing markets and identifying trends and patterns. Economics is a theoretical ...
How business, policymakers and the global community responds in 2022 will be felt for generations to come.What to watch in 2022: InflationPrices are surging and confidence in the global economy is increasingly shaky at times. Could stagflation be the next phase of inflation? And if so, how ...
Social:The social factors that may be included in a PEST analysis aredemographicsand age distribution, cultural attitudes, and workplace and lifestyle trends. Technological:The technological component considers the specific role and development of technologies within the sector and organization, as well ...
During a McKinsey Live webinar, senior partners Hortense de la Boutetière and Martin Hirt explained the current global economic conditions, the trends emerging from the crisis, and what they mean for companies charting their paths to the future. Where...
Learn the latest trends: Explore our globalB2B Marketing Benchmarkreport. What Is B2B Marketing? As the name suggests, business-to-business marketing refers to the marketing of products or services to other businesses and organizations. It holds several key distinctions from B2C marketing, ...
Companies in a vertical market gain expertise in their market’s trends, terminology, regulations, and an increased level of competitiveness. Understanding a Vertical Market The global business market provides a multitude of opportunities for all types of businesses. Vertical market providers are focused...
It’s estimated that 2.14 billion people purchased something online in 20211 –that’s 27% of the global population! Types of e-commerce There are several types of e-commerce: B2C –business-to-consumer. This is the one that you are probably most familiar with. It involves online ...