• Shredders include amphipods, isopods, freshwater crayfish and some caddisfly larvae. • Scrapers include animals such as snails, limpets and mayfly larvae. What does it mean if a macroinvertebrate is sensitive? Simply put, some macroinvertebrates arehighly sensitive to pollution, while others...
There are about 30 different species of kelp: Giant kelp, southern kelp, sugarwack, and bull kelp are just a few kinds of kelp. Giant kelp is, not surprisingly, the largest kelp species and most popular or well-known. It is capable of growing 2 feet per day in the right conditions, ...
E.g., the structure of the giant component in the Erdös–Rényi graph37 is more or less tree-like if we are close to the percolation threshold, and tree-like structures are usually considered highly hierarchical. Accordingly, in order to make a fair judgement on the importance of ...
"If a company's values are not morally sound, a foreclosed identity can be a risk for unethical behavior," Huhtala explains. "In this case the leader can find him- or herself operating in a 'moral gray zone', for example by striving to maximize profit with no reference to critical andm...
The following species of fungi may be observed in rich woodlands this week: giant puffball, chicken-of-the-woods, hen-of-the-woods, oyster, honey, fly agaric, hemlock varnish shelf, bear’s head tooth fungus, bearded tooth, and multiple species (and colors) of coral fungi and bolete and...