The mapping and sequencing of the genome is 99% complete, but scientists are still working on determining what every gene does (the other 1% cannot be mapped until new technologies are invented). As scientists learn more about the purpose of the different base pairs and genes, they will be ...
Each of these technologies has utility in today’s genetic analysis environment. Sanger sequencing is best for analyzing small numbers of gene targets and samples and can be accomplished in a single day. It is also considered the gold-standard sequencing t...
Core values Customer centric, Innovative, Quality, Trust, Integrity Customer centric:Provide solutions and services that addresses researchers needs throughout their research journey, pre- and post sales Innovative:Strive constantly to develop solutions that can change a researcher's world both in product...
Real-time PCR enables you to screen known SNPs. The benefits of real-time PCR are that it is easy, accurate, and can scale to high throughput. Another advantage of real-time PCR is that the bioinformatic analysis is less complex than f...
hospitals and pharmaceutical companies around the world with efficientgenetically-engineered animal model customization services、animal disease models、phenotyping、breeding and cryopreservation services. Our animal models and supporting services are invaluable tools for theresearch on gene function、human diseases...
Now, new genetic engineering technologies such as gene editing and synthetic biology are being hailed with the same promises of revolutionizing food production, medicine, fuels, textiles, and other areas. But these technologies pose similar and possibly even greater risks than “old” genetic engineeri...
CBE edits a marker gene, such as acetolactate synthase (ALS), conferring herbicide resistance to the edited cells, while Cas12a/crRNA targets the gene of interest. The construct is delivered through transientAgrobacterium-mediated expression. ALS-edited transformants are selected on herbicide-supplemente...
Genetic engineering is defined as a set of technologies that are used to change the genetic makeup of cells and move the genes from one species to another to produce new organisms. The techniques used are highly sophisticated manipulations of genetic material and other biologically important ...
Gene Therapyin Malignant Tumors In the research and treatment of malignant tumors, the more widely used gene therapy strategies are: immune gene, suicide gene, and tumor gene suppression. For example, in 2004, the China Food and Drug Administration approved the first production of gene therapy pr...
To find out more about the types of sequencing, see the article What are the different types of sequencing technologies?. Top The Human Genome Project The completion of a decade-long project to sequence the human genome represented a major milestone in the history of DNA ...