” Mask mandates were being lifted. Vaccines were being given, and many acted as though the world had returned to how it was. However, it is not as easy for people who struggle with anxiety. Anxious people are exhausted thinking about: going to social events, getting vaccinated, wearing a...
The Buzzetti et al. algorithm employs a two-step decision tree. Autoantibodies that target glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) are among the autoantibodies displayed in patients with type 1 diabetes; these autoantibodies serve as immune markers with high sensitivity. Approximately 75% of people with typ...
which we can’t prove, we can’t claim our interpretations are perfect. The truth is biblical scholars who have a deep respect for the Bible don’t agree what God thinks about gays, women, hell, and other moral issues.See here.See here.See...
In Uttar Pradesh, as in other northern states, English-speaking Western naming conventions are followed. Individuals have a surname preceded by a given name (and sometimes a middle name). This is not the case in southern India where surnames are often reduced to initial letters, then give less...
I’m very disappointed with GAD. ↩ ∞ Tom Perkins April 16, 2021, 1:19 pm ” Why was the very pertinent fact, that the suspect had a loose weapon (pistol) in the car next to his leg, left out of the story here? ” Because even if that is not something you are making up...
Candidate mechanisms/hallmarks that mediate COVID-19 infection–related neuropathology are shown in detail (Table1and Fig.4). The global pandemic mandates the need to understandthe neurotropic potential of COVID-19 and the mechanisms by which that virus triggers post-infection neuropathology. ...
I’ve spoken on the bimah and in the classroom (and a lot of times on Zoom) about how the Jewish tradition not only permits contraception and abortion, but in some cases actually mandates it; when the life, health, and wellbeing of a pregnant person or their family is in jeopardy. I...
“Cases” are indeed up in the once United States. Alas, deaths are not cooperating. Still, propaganda has risen to fresh heights. It will take one to two weeks to see the full effect of their efforts to induce yet another frenzy. ...