(a) What are fuel cells ? Give an example of a fuel cell. (b) Calcu... 06:05 Draw the structure of : {:((i)BrF(3),(ii)XeOF(4)):} (b) Explain givi... 03:45 (a) (i) Why PCl(5) gives fumes in moisture ? (ii) Why Interhalogens ... 03:49 (a) What is meant ...
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices, so they are not constrained by the maximum thermal (Carnot) efficiency as combustion engines are. Consequently, they can have very high efficiencies in convertingchemical energytoelectrical energy. In the archetypal example of ahydrogen/oxygenproton-exchange membran...
The requirements on electron and fuel cells is related to the locations of energy and ion conduction in electrodes and the electrolyte storage and conversion. Batteries are closed systems, are given in Figure 1 and are valid for all three with the anode and cathode being the charge-transfer ...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Fuel Cells: Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy of fuels, such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or methane, directly into electrical en
Butthereareotherconsiderations.Forexample, solarfarmsaredense(密集),whilethelandbetweenwindturbinescanbeco-usedforagriculture. Tidalpowerisan environmentally-friendly energysource.Inadditiontobeingarenewable energy,itdoesnotgiveoffanyclimategasesand doesnottakeupalotofspace.However,there ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
What are the primary structures of proteins? Provide an example. The functional structure of a protein is its {Blank} structure, which is ultimately determined by the {Blank}. \\ A. tertiary; primary structure. \\ B. primary; ions it possesses. \\ C. tertiary; concentration of phosp...
What is the function of vitamin C? What are some food sources? What elements do plants synthesize? Give an example of a water-soluble vitamin and a food source of it. What metal is present in the chlorophyll? What are the primary functions, deficiency signs/symptoms, and main food sources...
某实施监理的工程项目,建设单位通过公开招标方式选择了勘察单位、设计单位、施工单位和工程监理单位,并与其分别签订了勘察合同、设计合同、施工合同和委托监理合同,在合同中约定了各自的工程质量责任和义务,现摘录合同中约定的部分质量责任和义务。 (1)设计单位应当将施工图设计文件报县级以上人民政府建设行政主管部门或...
Which body fuel can be utilized for both aerobic and anaerobic energy production? What is an example of anaerobic exercise? What energy system is used in anaerobic exercise? Which catabolic pathways are aerobic and anaerobic? What are the products of anaerobic respiration? What is common between ...
Mobile analytics: You want a tool that can give your people access to the information they need even when they’re on the road. But not all mobile analytics solutions are created equal. Look for one that not only offers voice-enabled access and real-time alerts, but provides advanced capabi...