A、longest B、longer C、the longest D、long 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 5 题【单选题】 — Birds are___ than insects. — You"re right. A、big B、much bigger C、very bigger D、biggest 【答案】: 2 / 12 【解析】: 最新教育资料精选 第 6 题【单选题】 — Zhou Fang, can you ...
What are some adjectives that describe Zora Neale Hurston? What is an examples of a pun in Romeo and Juliet? In what ways does Twain use irony in "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"? What are some examples of imagery in Bartleby the Scrivener?
When we begin studying adjectives, I start with an activity that is a good self-esteem and morale booster. I put each student's name on the top of a sheet of chart paper. Under the child's name, I write one positive adjective that I feel best describes that student. The paper is th...
Now that you've got a good grasp of animal categories, let's talk about how to describe them. We can use adjectives to paint a picture in our minds: Big vs. Small: An elephant is huge, while a mouse is tiny. Fast vs. Slow: A cheetah can run fast, while a ...
Isn't that a great way to SEE what adjectives do? Nine Parts of Speech When people categorize words into eight parts of speech, they say that articles/determiners (a, an, the, this, that, etc.) are subcategories of adjectives. When people categorize words into nine parts of speech, ...
with …, snake, fox, frog, feed, feed on 2.Learn some useful sentences: (1)They give us joy. (2)We share the same world with them. 3.Go on learning the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: (1) I think animals are more interesting. (2) I like plants bette...
Objectives ☆Topractisedealingwithculturalreferencesintexts.☆Topractiseidentifyingthetypeofnewspaperanarticleisfrom.☆Topractiseusingcompoundadjectives.☆Tocreateanarticleforalocalnewspaper.课件使用101教育PPT制作(ppt.101.com)Whatareoftenreportedinthenewspapers?•socialaffairs(社会新闻)•traveling•currentaffairs...
How many subordinate clauses are in a simple sentence? Join these two separate sentences into one with a conjunction : Tim was very unhappy. The lizard ate his pet frog.' (Hint: Try the conjunction 'for.') What is an ...
Also try not to be ambiguous or use subjective adjectives. The AI doesn’t know what a “good” image of a frog is anymore than it knows what an “interesting” poem written in the style of Maya Angelou would be. In the same vein, provide as much context and relevant information you ...
they are both adjectives however with different meanings meaning: weirdmeans "odd, strange, unusual" however wired means"connected to the internet , or connected by wire" examples: weird: he was making weird noises last night (strange)