A CDD is a governmental unit created to serve the long-term specific needs of its community. Created pursuant to Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes, a CDD’s main powers are to plan, finance, construct, operate and maintain community-wide infrastructure and services specifically for the benefit...
There are many CDDs in Hillsborough County. Many of the newer housing developments have CDDs. Most of the CDDs charge the homeowners with a fee or ad valorem tax which is paid yearly, usually with your real estate property tax bill. CDD fees or taxes should not be confused with homeowner ...
Aside from that, you also have to pay the filing fees, which range from $10 to $100. States with No State Filing Requirements for DBAs Alaska Alabama Arizona Delaware Florida Hawaii Kansas Maryland Mississippi New Mexico Nebraska Ohio Wisconsin Wyoming Meet Other RequirementsSome states have public...
Closing costs refer to the expenses associated with buying property. These settlement costs are fees paid by purchasers upon receipt of their loan from their banks and generally range between 2-7% of the total loan value. While a substantial portion of these costs is paid on the day of closin...