Free advice: You do not want to live with any female you have to blackmail to keep. It’s easy to say we men shouldn’t be wired like this. But it seems we are. At least for now… In this time and place a men’s movement may save a few of us, but the guys most likely to...
One of our listeners called in to ask how tipping courtesy applies to legal marijuana dispensaries. Most places have a tip jar, so if you can throw the bud-tender a fiver or even a few ones that would be great (don’t fall for the “percentage option”…you can end up tipping $60 ...
Why? A class of hormones in the brain called glucocorticoids help control our response to stress, and after a traumatic experience, this hormone can become depleted. When another trauma occurs, and the glucocorticoid levels are already low, the stress response to the experience can be more intens...
The Red Army also used female snipers. Although sniping was carried out by all sides, snipers risked being shot if caught, as the nature of their task often provoked exceptional anger among their opponents. Grand Mufti Muhammed Amin al-Husseini meets Adolf Hitler: Grand Mufti Muhammed Amin al...
Just 16% are female, while 84% are male. In comparison, 53.1 percent of the U.S. civilian work force 16 years old and over was female in 2012. The Air Force has the largest percentage of female Service members (18.9%); the Marine Corps has the smallest (7.0%). ...
This textile is made by what is called a slack-tension weave, where groups of yarn are bunched together in certain portions of the fabric to create a puckered, almost wrinkled look. In fact, it’s usually unnecessary to iron seersucker garments because they are supposed to look slightly ...
“In Honor and Memory of the Men of the United States Marine Corps Who Have Given Their Lives to Their Country Since 10 November 1775.” While this leaves female Marines out, a number of explanatory signboards around the monument feature women Marines prominently, along with another dedication...
On May 3, 1979, Margaret Thatcher made history by becoming Britain’s first female prime minister. Her success was aided by ongoing labor strikes known as the Winter of Discontent. Once in power, Thatcher reduced social programs and enacted sweeping privatization of public housing and mining indus...
In exposure therapy, patients are asked to purposely reexperience their trauma over and over — either in a doctor's office or in the outside world in a setting similar to the one where they experienced their trauma. This is called imaginal therapy. The soldier in the scenario may be asked...
The Marines are the smallest service, and the mesh in webs of relationships are probably closer and tighter than most other services. It’s not six degrees of separation, it’s more like two or three. Three or four years later, I worked with another military broadcaster who had made a ...