Bacteria are evolved to adapt and survive in any kind of ecological niches; from normal toextreme environments. Hence, they are ubiquitous. They are found in every possible habitat on the Earth; soil, air, and water. They are associated with all the biotic and abiotic components of the Earth...
Archaebacteria were first discovered in Yellowstone National Park's hot springs. The kingdom consists of halophiles and methanogens among other organisms. Thriving in areas with no oxygen, in high salt concentrations, high acidity areas and hot springs, the habitat of the archaebacteria is extrem...
Thermoacidophiles are high temperature and acid resistant bacteria. Their ability is due to presence of special lipids in the cell membrane. They also have enzymes which can with stand extreme conditions. They can survive at very low pH that is 2 and at high temperature as 80 degree Celsius....
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Habitats where one finds such extremophiles are e.g., acidic hot springs (acidophiles) and soda lakes (alkaliphiles) [12]. Another highly interesting class of extremophiles is halophiles, which can be subdivided into slight, moderate and extreme halophiles, depending on the [NaCl] which they...