It looks like a sentence. Yet, for a sentence to be truly complete, it must contain an independent clause, which tells the whole story even when isolated from its context. Here, we’ll look at sentence fragments and how to fix them, with plenty of examples. Here’s a tip: Want to ...
What are examples of complete sentences? What are the main parts of a simple sentence? What is the definition of the term simple sentence? What is an example of a compound predicate sentence? What is an abstract sentence? What is a compound sentence?
Many dependent clauses start with a coordinating or subordinating conjunction, like "although," "until," or "while." If your sentence starts with one of these phrases, that might be a sign that it needs another sentence to tell a complete story. Sentence Fragment Examples See if you can id...
As community volunteers,my classmates and I go to the drop-in centre to help with things of which we are capable every or every other Saturday afternoon.There are many old people and children who are not able to return home temporarily.The old often feel lonely and helpless.So some of us...
2. Sentence Fragments Yoda often speaks in fragmented sentences, omitting subjects or objects to create a sense of mystery and intrigue. This rule can be seen in phrases like: Standard English: "I have a bad feeling about this." Yoda-speak: "Bad feeling, I have about this." ...
A sentence fragment is a phrase that doesn’t form a complete idea but is incorrectly treated in a text as an independent, complete sentence. Here are a few examples of sentence fragments: Went to the department store yesterday.– When reading this sentence fragment, you may ask yourself, “...
Are Sentence Fragments Always Wrong? No! Sentence fragments are common. In literature, for example, using a short sentence fragment can be a good way of changing the pace or tone of a piece of writing. Compare the following: Find this useful?
(computing) The breaking up of a data packet when larger than the transmission unit of a network. Fragment (Grammar) A sentence fragment. Fragmentation The act or process of separating something into small pieces or fine particles. Fragment To break or separate (something) into fragments. Fragmen...
Examples of Simple Sentence Structures There are many ways to make a simple sentence. Here are a few examples: Subject + Verb: "He runs." Subject + Verb + Object: "She reads books." Subject + Verb + Complement: "He is tall."
Examples of coordinating conjunctions are:and but or nor forLet’s look at one more coordinating conjunction in a sentence:She wasn’t my friend, but I loaned her the money.Notice how the phrases either side of "but" each contain complete thoughts—they are independent clauses....