which can flow in one of two ways: as negatively chargedelectronsor as positively charged electron deficiencies called holes. In some semiconductors, the current consists mostly of electrons; in other semiconductors, it consists mostly of holes....
(1)to provide a wide range of conductivity in one semiconductor by controlling its impurity concentration profile(density versus distance or space location)since each group-V impurity atom(P,As,Sb and Bi in Si)gives one negatively charged conduction electron,and each group-III impurity atom(B Al...
What is the order of electron carriers in the electron transport chain starting with NADH? Explain the role and function of cytochrome c in the electron transport chain. What are the main features of the electron transport chain, and how is it used to generate ATP? How is energy used indire...
What does the electron transport system / oxidative phosphorylation accomplish for the cell?How do cells capture the energy released by cellular respiration? A. They produce glucose B. The energy is coupled to oxygen C. They produce ATPWhat...
An interface between p-type and n-type semiconductors is called a p-n junction. Free electrons and holes are attracted to each other near the p-n junction and recombine. After the recombination, an electron-hole pair disappears. This process creates an i
(using conventional current where current flows from the + end of a battery to the - end of the battery. NOTE: electrons flow from the - end of a battery to the + end, and is called electron current instead of conventional current). The direction your fingers are curved around the wire...
a According to a widely accepted concept called chemiosmosis, as the electron transport carriers shuttle electrons, they actively pump hydrogen ions (protons) into outer compartment of the mitochondrion or bacterial cell membranes. This process sets up a concentration gradient of hydrogen ions called ...
The moving charged particles are called charge carriers which may be electrons, holes, ions, etc. The flow of current depends on the conductive medium. For example: In the conductor, the flow of current is due to electrons. In semiconductors, the flow of current is due to electrons or ...
The electron carriers from the Krebs cycle move from the inside of mitochondria to the organelle's inner membrane, which has all sorts of specialized enzymes called cytochromes ready to work. In short, when the electrons, in the form of hydrogen atoms, are taken off their carriers, this power...
What are the mechanisms used to make ATP in cellular respiration and in photosynthesis? Which of the following act as electron carriers during cellular respiration? A. ATP. B. Oxygen. C. NADH. D. CO_2. E. Glucose. What compound d...