You specialize in educational products such as children's stories and reference books. You are busy in New York. Your company has an office in Mexico City. You have you are an editor. First name, last name or title title. A formal name such as MR. Miss miss a name that describes some...
English teachers should understand the students’ personal and educational background so they can tailor classes according to their students’ needs more effectively. Learning about the students’ culture, first language, and past experiences are useful while preparing lesson plans, materials, and project...
Principlesandmoralstend to be used interchangeably assynonyms. For example, if someone says that they’rea fan of your principles, they might also be talking about your morals as well. In this case,moralsare acceptable ways of behaving. Similarly,principlesare a guiding rules on how someone shou...
A fundamental truth upon which systems of beliefs and morals are formed: I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle. As a child I was taught what was right, but I was not taught to correct my temper. I was given good principles, but left to follow...
attention on designing educational toys that were not only cheap and easy to build,butarealsofullofscientificprinciples可知Gupta先生发现整个项目,他决定辞去高薪的工作,专心听益智玩具,不仅是廉价和容易 建造,且也符合科学原理,故答案是They are cheap and easy to build and full of scientific principles a ...
PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE IN EDUCATION: WHAT KIND OF ORGANIZATIONAL PRINCIPLES ARE BEHIND THE KNOWLEDGE PRACTICES, AND WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPING THIS KNOWLEDGE?The integration of theory and practice is the key element in research on professions and their knowledge. This topic polarizes ...
education and may inadvertently lead to repeated behavioral issues without addressing the underlying causes. These conventional methods often fail to equip students with necessary conflict-resolution skills. As a result, a growing number of educational institutions are shifting toward a more holistic approa...
Educational psychologists study techniques to foster both types of motivation to enhance engagement and educational achievement. For example, goal-setting, self-assessment, and providing meaningful feedback are strategies that have been proven to increase intrinsic motivation and encourage continuous engagement...
There's little point in reviewing the primary curriculum unless one asks what it is for. Start from first principles. Take a fresh look at the world in which today's children are growing up. Look again at their lives and needs. Treat no ... R Alexander - 《Times Educational Supplement》...
PEN’s website listseducational principlesfor progressive schools, including active student participation in learning; recognizing and building on students’ “innate desire to learn,” and a collaborative approach between students, educators and the community. These schools believe that education should pr...