Blackboards were originally made of smooth, thin sheets of black or dark grey slate stone. Board A long flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank. Blackboard A large board with a smooth dark surface attached to a wall or supported on an easel and used by teachers in schools for writing on ...
Our knowledge of the rates of inspection at ports and at the final destination for cargo are still based on estimates. Accurate quantification of pest incidence in different types of WPM at each step in the supply chain is still needed, as is the rate or amount of WPM that is reused and...
–Laminated Beams are superior in all strength characteristics to solid sawn lumber; they resist checking and twisting because of the use of multiple plies of kiln dried lumber, bonded together with non-toxic waterproof adhesive. –Construction of a house from glued laminated timber or cross-laminat...
Birdseye maple, one of the rarest kinds of wood on the planet, has a distinctive pattern that looks like tiny, swirling eyes disrupting the smooth lines of grain. This isn't a variety or species of maple, but rather a phenomenon that occurs within several kinds of timber due to an ...
I have installed and done restoration work with thousands of dollars worth of heart pine. The minor discrepancies demonstrated here in this discussion have been reflected in the quality of product that I have received over the years from lumber brokers. There are no national grading standards ...
ironpyro-gallateinks.Particlesofmetallicironorrustare 22 pickedupbythelumberduringmanufacturing or transportation. If the moisture conditions are right, a pigment will be formed. Redwood is particularly susceptible, both unseasoned and kiln dried, followed by unseasoned fir and hemlock packaged dimension ...
past a barn of unpainted rough-sawn planks, over a little stone bridge, i come to a dirt driveway furrowed like a streambed. the car tires spin in the sandy soil as i emerge in a clearing where a large, modern home has been built recently. les case is a tall, well-rounded figure ...
tend to be dull in appearance, although perfectly functional. After the veneers are cut, they are overlaid with layers of glue and pressed together until dry to form a flat, even, tight piece of plywood. Plywood is sturdier than regular sheets or panels of wood, because the veneers are ...
@Izzy78 - I think I might be able to answer a couple of your questions. You are right that spruce typically grows in the north, although that is not always the case. I'm not a lumber expert, but I believe Sitka spruce is one of the biggest types of spruces and probably has the ...