You may already know that hurrncans are storms. They can move very, very fast, very tall, and very, very heavy. They happen during "Hurrican season," which is from June 1st to November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th to November 30th in the Pacific Ocean. Kinds of Hurri...
I feel like minimum glass does best with Apo refractors. If you have an obstructed scope, with mirrors that scatter light, maybe a meniscus lens or coma corrector, possibly a sub aperture corrector lens, you are going to have enough light scatter going on that it somewhat defeats the purpos...
The different types of clouds arecumulus, cirrus, stratus and nimbus. Is fog a cloud? Fog isa cloud that touches the ground. ... Fog shows up when water vapor, or water in its gaseous form, condenses. During condensation, molecules of water vapor combine to make tiny liquid water droplet...
in which representatives from different healthcare organizations come together to address a common problem, identify best practice, set goals, share data and initiate and evaluate improvement efforts [46], are one model used to deliver system-wide quality improvement. It is widely assumed that these...
"fogs" and until it is removed, your telescope is out of commission. Dew prevention heater strips and other products are available as telescopic accessories, and they work quite well. An alternative to these is the use of a handheld hair drier. When the lens of my telescope fogs, a short...
while their condition has improved in the last 10 years, climate change is a major threat. Blanket bog will probably not survive on Dartmoor but some fens might. Meanwhile, they are so important to us that we must do all we can to restore them. His talk ended with a more optimistic quo...
(which "fogs" incoming sounds too), the brain’s previously adapted compensating techniques of lip-reading, putting togheter pieces of comprehended words, guessing the missing parts etc etc. This all adds up to a bill that is simply too big for me (and my brain). It’s just not ...
The ''ice caps'' are hypothesized to have a relatively low average D/H ratio and thus serve in the northern hemisphere as the largest source of ''low D/H'' water vapor in the northern summer [Fisher, 2007]. The hemispheric trend also suggests that the effective inter zonal mixing time...
These meristematic cells can hardly be distinguished from the surrounding cortical cells, as they do not form a continuous layer [92]. Its derivatives differentiate as cork cells that are arranged in rows/tiers, more or less regular on the cross-sections. In contrast to the storied cork, the...
There is another phenomenon similar to clouds. Fig is formed close to the ground surface and it should never be confused as a cloud. Further, the composition may look similar but clouds and Fogs are byproducts of a different chain of events. ...