Regardless, first-year med students are busy. In addition to didactic coursework, most often they have clinical skills lessons and frequently also start early clinical activities in emergency rooms or outpatient clinics. But balance is something that students must begin to ...
Creating customer education eLearning courses in-house is a surefire way to train your customers effectively, but it requires some research and skills. Here are some tried-and-true customer training best practices to transform simple users into expert users of your products: Assign customer education...
It’s indeed that college is not for everyone and where skilled workers are a concern, it has a huge market to expand and venture in.With this being said, these are all the high-paying vocational courses, programs, and skills in high demand today,...
As far as dental degrees, there are many degree programs that offer didactic courses online. Though clinical and lab learning is very seldom offered not-in-person. This makes the choice somewhat easier as far as what type of program to pursue. Generally speaking, prerequisites and large portions...
TransferMOOC: are derived from other courses provided on virtual platforms, such as Coursera; MadeMOOC: consists of courses oriented towards innovation, problem-solving, work and peer review. An example of a platform that offers this type of course is Udacity; ...
AUTODIDACTICISMEDUCATIONAL planningLEARNINGSTUDENT-centered learningCOGNITIVE stylesPHYSIOLOGY educationThroughout a career, the intersection of research and teaching unveils a profound realization - greatest contributions emerge when the teaching lenses are student-focused. A passion for teac...
Have we even defined what impact is it that we seek and what didactic approaches we should be comparing with? The Saunders think piece poses a critical challenge with its critical set of implicit questions, and we believe our list of questions offers a project-specific adaptation of this ...
Speed. Git is fast, especially when we consider that developers are branching and merging a whole repository. Because each person on the team has their own local copy, there’s no need to wait for every small change to be pushed to a server. ...
Each Program in our School has deadlines by which students are expected to complete didactic and/or the overall Class or Program. They are: EMS Instructor –3 months total EMT –3 months for completing through final exam and the other 3 months to complete the EMT Exit Session (skills) and...
Didactic teaching andlecture can be dated back to the 14th century medieval times, when instructors read to students while they took notes. At the time, information wasn’t easily accessible nor available, so this method solved for the problem of the age; large lectures halls were the best av...