Below are many examples of countable nouns that can help get you started incorporating this tool into your everyday use. Try to use the term countable noun today or notice when someone else is using a countable noun. Uncountable noun examples include things like rice, courage, soup, gases, ...
Countable nouns are nouns you can count, and uncountable nouns are nouns you can't count. Countable nouns can take the singular or the plural form of a verb. Uncountable nouns always take the singular form of the verb. Study the rules and examples below. WHAT ARE COUNTABLE NOUNS? Countable...
And uncountable nouns, which you can't count.还有不可数名词,你数不了。One, two, I can't count this.一,二,我数不过来。Some rice.一些米饭。Similarly, these nouns are usually uncountable.同样地,以下这些名词通常是不可数的。Sand.沙子。Milk.牛奶。Juice.果汁。Words like these are clearly ...
Basically, if it is possible to count something, that something is referred to by a countable noun. Countable nouns can be eithersingular nouns or plural nouns. For example, the nounsapple,monkey, andchairsare countable nouns. You can count that you have oneapplein a basket, that there are...
Count nouns or countable nouns are nouns that can be quantified or counted. For example, you can countan appleorapples.You can also quantifya cuporcups.Some countable noun examples aretelescope, manager, ice cream,andsong. Countable nouns requireaoranfor their singular forms. For example: ...
A countable noun is anything that people can define by numbers and often are identified by their separate plural and singular forms. Native speakers... Learn more about this topic: Count Nouns vs. Noncount Nouns | Definition & Examples
Countable nouns (also called count nouns) refer to things that can be counted. They can be preceded by an indefinite article or a number, and they can be pluralized. Most nouns are countable (e.g., “fact(s)” or “misnomer(s)“). Uncountable nouns (also called noncount nouns or ma...
it would usually be impossible to count them. However, not allabstract nounsare uncountable nouns. It is possible to havethree possibilitiesor to havea concernand so these are not uncountable nouns. If you can count a noun, it’s known as acountablenoun—and we’ll discuss these too shortl...
Examples of countable nouns: apple, chair, window, frame. Uncountable nouns These are words that cannot be counted, and they are also known as mass nouns. For example, you can’t count love or happiness. We can’t say we have two happiness or five loves. These words don’t have plural...
Examples of countable nouns: apple, chair, window, frame. Uncountable nouns These are words that cannot be counted, and they are also known as mass nouns. For example, you can’t count love or happiness. We can’t say we have two happiness or five loves. These words don’t have plural...