aIncluded are both lungs from apices to costophrenic angles and the air-filled trachea from T1 down. Hilum region markings, heart, great vessels, and bony thorax are demonstrated. 包括的是两个肺从尖顶到costophrenic角度和空气被填装的气管从T1下来。 核地区标号、心脏、伟大的船和骨多的胸部被展示...
aIncluded are both lungs from apices to costophrenic angles and the air-filled trachea from T1 down. Hilum region markings, heart, great vessels, and bony thorax are demonstrated. 包括的是兩個肺從尖頂到costophrenic角度和空氣被填裝的氣管從T1下來。 核地區標號、心臟、偉大的船和骨多的胸部被展示...
aIncluded are both lungs from apices to costophrenic angles and the air-filled trachea from T1 down. Hilum region markings, heart, great vessels, and bony thorax are demonstrated. 包括的是兩個肺從尖頂到costophrenic角度和空氣被填裝的氣管從T1下來。 核地區標號、心臟、偉大的船和骨多的胸部被展示...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
aIncluded are both lungs from apices to costophrenic angles and the air-filled trachea from T1 down. Hilum region markings, heart, great vessels, and bony thorax are demonstrated. 包括的是两个肺从尖顶到costophrenic角度和空气被填装的气管从T1下来。 核地区标号、心脏、伟大的船和骨多的胸部被展示...
aIncluded are both lungs from apices to costophrenic angles and the air-filled trachea from T1 down. Hilum region markings, heart, great vessels, and bony thorax are demonstrated. 包括的是兩個肺從尖頂到costophrenic角度和空氣被填裝的氣管從T1下來。 核地區標號、心臟、偉大的船和骨多的胸部被展示...