What is cognitive culture in sociology? What is racialization in sociology? What is social conflict theory in sociology? What are mores in sociology? What is the structure of sociological theory? What did the functionalist approach of Emile Durkheim show?
What theories are there in sociology of education? What is a functionalist theory of education in sociology? What is formal social control in sociology? What classical theorists influenced structural functionalism? What is the focus of structural functionalism? What are social processes in anthropology?
What is the difference between conflict theory and symbolic interaction theory? Who is the theorist behind signal detection theory? What crime does Merton's Theory fail to explain? What is the relevance of trait theory to counselling? What are semantic cues?
-1 Chapter1Whatissociology Sociologyisthesystematicandobjectivestudy ofhumansocietyandsocialinteraction. Sociologistsuseresearchtechniquessimilartothoseof thenaturalsciences.Theyoftenconductresearchusing scientificmethod.Thatis,theyestablishtestable hypothesesanddecideaheadoftimewhichresultswill leadthemtoacceptorrejectthehy...
Integrating insights from organizational theory and historical sociology, we theorize educational entrepreneurship as a special kind of strategic action. Organizational theorists define action as “strategic” when actors self-consciously leverage their social positions to accrete power, especially by ...
We cannot just mention Libya in passing because the Libyan case has become the favorite example for conspiracy theorists and doubters in the revolution. It is true that the intervention by NATO is complicated and is definitely not innocent. But it is also true that the agenda of the Libyan re...
In my theory of surviving situational suffering, the three categories are limiting, balancing conflict, and falling short. In the case of this theory, I examined the categories and their properties. How did they all come together? The going back and forth between limiting, balancing, ...
upon which presumed claims are based. This article contrasts these views according to the different accounts each provides of the normative mechanisms at work in, and underwriting, warranted presumption. Viable argumentative norms must be both objectively well-founded and effective in regulating the acti...
LtC: As a scholar, educator, and policy advocate, a major focus of your work has been to elevate community voice in educational governance. What are some of the major lessons that practitioners and scholars of Educational Change can learn from your work? JB: The main lesson that I want pra...
What is social conflict theory in sociology? What is sociology according to Auguste Comte? What is structural functionalism in anthropology? What does functionalism focus on? What theories are there in sociology of education? What is an example of a sociological paradigm?