The different types of volcanoes are cinder cone, composite, shield, and lava volcano. The classification of volcanoes is based on the time of occurrence, and they are active, dormant, and extinct. Click here to learn about types of volcanic eruptions
Mount Vesuvius is what’s called a composite volcano. Here the magma is made from lots of different types of rocks, liquids and gases, forced deep underground by plate tectonics. Under pressure and heat, this volatile mixture melts, and then rises back up to lurk inside a large magma chambe...
A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s surface where molten rock can escape from underneath. The Earth’s surface is made up of tectonic plates, which are spreading apart, crunching into each other, or sliding beside one another. Volcanoes are typically found at the fault lines between thes...
These are the Galapagos Islands, off the West Coast of Ecuador in South America. The Galapagos Islands are made from a series of volcanoes. They were made famous by Charles Darwin, on his expedition aboard HMS Beagle in 1835. Many of the organisms found in the Galapagos can't be found an...
On the territory of the caldera is placed Kagoshima town, not far from it you can see a young active composite Sakurajimais volcano. It was formed 13 000 years ago and now is one of the most active Japanese volcanoes. Its last eruption was in 1914. Before it, an earthquake series came...
How are Volcanoes Formed? The earth is made up of three layers:the outer crust,the mantle, andthe core.The primary ingredient for the formation of volcanoes is the mantle which is made up of molten materials and gases commonly referred to as magma. When intense pressure develops within the ...
The Earth is ever restless. Deep beneath the ground there are oceans of magma powering some of the most relentless andunpredictable natural phenomena like earthquakes and volcanoes. Most of the power of the Earth is concentrated aroundthe boundaries of endlessly shifting tectonic plates, such as the...
Over time, carbon dioxide replaced the water vapour, probably as a result of the erupting volcanoes that resurfaced Venus about 700 million years ago and spewed clouds of sulphurous gas into the atmosphere. Venus Express will search for traces of sulphur dioxide, an indication that volcanoes have...