Cookies serve various purposes on the internet: primarily, they store user data in order to facilitate easy operation of web pages and to make certain web applications available. But they can also be used to track user activity and intrude on user privacy. There are therefore… ...
Cookies, particularly third-party cookies, are capable of tracking a user’s browsing habits across multiple sites, creating detailed profiles of online behavior. Advertisers and data brokers often use this data to target users with personalized advertising. This level of tracking has raised concerns ...
Google Chrome has a reputation for being hard on your PC memory, so you can test your site’s JavaScript memory usage under theMemorytab. Different Chrome testing profiles can be used here, with further information about this testing at theChrome DevTools documentation page. For more in-depth ...
Google Chrome started blocking websites from using third-party cookies on January 4th. Cookies are the easiest way to track consumers' onlin
Hi guys! First time posting because I am at a loss and am trying to figure out how to do this. I need to clear the Cache and Cookies for Google...
There are two toolkits in Ext JS 6: classic and modern.The visual elements of Ext JS are now contained in the classic toolkit of Ext JS 6, while the visual elements of Sencha Touch are now contained in the modern toolkit.Applications can simply choose their toolkit and add this to their...
In Microsoft Edge , you can import almost all of your data from Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox and use it in Microsoft Edge to minimize the setup required for switching over and to continue working in ways that are familiar to you with the other browsers. You can ...
When I’m logged into my site on Chrome, I can use Developer Tools to see what WordPress cookies the site is using. (I’ve blanked out some of the values for security reasons.) Once you know what cookies your site uses, then the next steps are: ...
This category covers security configurations for some of the most commonly used desktop software applications, including Microsoft Office and Exchange Server, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari browser. These Benchmarks focus on email privacy and server settings,mobile device management, default br...
In June 2021, Google announced it would phase out third-party cookies in late 2023 -- which was then pushed back to 2024 -- with new tracking technology to replace them. Google Chrome started restricting third-party cookies for 1% of users in early 2024, thenput a stop to the plan entir...