Memory: LangChain's recall of past interactions significantly improves personalization and context awareness. Document loaders and utilities: This group of tools facilitates access to and processes a wide array of data, ensuring operations are informed and up-to-date. Chains: As the operational backbo...
LangChain is an open source orchestration framework for the development of applications using large language models (LLMs), like chatbots and virtual agents.
LangChain is a modular framework for Python and JavaScript that simplifies the development of applications that are powered by generative AI language models.
LangChain off-the-shelf chains are structured assemblies of components for accomplishing specific higher-level tasks. You can use components to customize existing chains and to build new chains. Note that there are two kinds of language models, LLMs and chat models. LLMs take a string as ...
Coming soon: LangSmith.| Source:LangChain The folks at LangChain are currently in the process of creating a full-fledged development platform called LangSmith that will offer deep, real-time insights into the product with complete chain visibility. Right now, devs need to test anything not work...
To gain the proper context, data might need to come from different sources. Each source likely follows a different schema. LangChain offers the “document” object to “normalize” data from multiple sources. As a document, data can easily be passed between different chains in a structured way...
Agents are specialized chains that prompt the language model to determine the best sequence of actions in response to a query. Developers can use LangChain’s tools and libraries to compose and customize these chains for complex applications. By providing the user’s input, available tools, and ...
Blockchain for monitoring of supply chains.Using blockchain, businesses could pinpoint inefficiencies within their supply chains quickly, as well as locate items in real time and see how products perform from a quality-control perspective as they travel from manufacturers to retailers. ...
import{ChatOpenAI}from"langchain/chat_models/openai";import{HumanMessage}from"langchain/schema";constchat=newChatOpenAI({streaming:true,callbacks:[{handleLLMNewToken(token:string){process.stdout.write(token);},},],});lettokenCount=0;// Pass in a human message. Also accepts a raw string, wh...
Examples of inbound logistics Materials purchasing, receiving, and reverse logistics are all examples of inbound logistics. Generally the better the inbound logistics are managed, the more efficient the process usually is. A supply chain may be fully integrated and companies will attempt to synchroni...