I will say that all buzzwords frustrate and annoy me. I think the problem is not as much as the buzzword but how is used without any regard to the intended or original meaning. Take Agile, today is an annoying buzzword, everything and everyone is either agile or lean or doing it. Tha...
These are like the cheap ones. I wouldn’t be worried to lose these and they’re also for it anyone needs some, or if I just need to quickly pull out a pencil I have those. “这些笔都很便宜,所以我也不担心会弄丢它们。放在书包侧边,也方便我随时掏出来给自己用或者给周围急需的人们用。...
These are like the cheap ones. I wouldn’t be worried to lose these and they’re also for it anyone needs some, or if I just need to quickly pull out a pencil I have those. “这些笔都很便宜,所以我也不担心会弄丢它们。放在书包侧边,也方便我随时掏出来给自己用或者给周围急需的人们用。...
These are like the cheap ones. I wouldn’t be worried to lose these and they’re also for it anyone needs some, or if I just need to quickly pull out a pencil I have those. “这些笔都很便宜,所以我也不担心会...
“Let’s never ask anyone for anything”, which is also a nice way to encourage themselves to live a better life. Among other buzzwords, "rectifying the workplace" is an expression of the younger generation's weariness towards dogmatism and ...
“The parlor trick of ChatGPT is so impressive that when we see these words coming out of it, we do the same thing instinctively,” she says. “It’s very good at mimicking the form of language. The problem is that we are not at all good at encountering the form of language and no...
Don’t use buzzwords, even if the client does. Even in docs you’re prepping for them, write out the acronyms they use. You’d be surprised how many clients don’t actually know what the buzzword means, but were afraid to ask. ...
“Budda(佛)-like youngsters” has become the buzzwords online overnight. What is “Budda-like”?Actually,it has nothing to do with Buddhism. It's only an attitude towards life. It means one should neither be pleased by outside gains nor be saddened by personal losses. Besides, it guides...
“Budda(佛)-like youngsters” has become the buzzwords online overnight. What is “Budda-like”?Actually,it has nothing to do with Buddhism. It's only an attitude towards life. It means one should neither be pleased by outside gains nor be saddened by personal losses. Besides, it guides...
Hard Drive Damage, Data Loss, and Data Recovery are a few buzzwords in this digital world. Several factors support the loss or damage situation. Among the many possibilities, one of the causes of hard drive failure is bad sectors. The possibility of data loss is what these sectors have a...