The image above visually demonstrates the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy as a spectrum rather than a hierarchy, allowing room for the ‘power verbs’ that can act as synonyms (and thus activity ideas) for teachers planning lessons and units. There are six levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy. See alsoH...
Use verbs from different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy to design questions that target different cognitive skills, such as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Provide feedback to your students after each question, explaining why their answers are correct or incorrect...
But his putts are straight and deadly, and he doesn't even frown When he's tried to hole a long one and just fails to get it down. On the fourteenth green I faded; there he put me on the shelf, And it's not to his discredit when I say I licked myself.He...
Over the past ten years, assessment offices and teaching and learning centers have compiled lists of measurable verbs aligned with the six categories that comprise Bloom's taxonomy. The author analyzed 30 compilations posted on web sites and evaluated how well these verbs aligned with categories in...