Bile is a fluid made by the liver to help digest fats. Hardened deposits of bile form gallstones, which are painful and can cause...
Bile is made up of approximately 95% water. The remaining 5% percent consists of bile salts, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein, bilirubin, phospholipids, and other compounds. What are the three main functions of bile? Bile has many functions, but the three main ones are to aid in the diges...
What is sodium bicarbonate used for in dialysis? What is zinc used for? What is duralumin used for? Is bicarbonate good for the body? Carbon 14 is used for what? What is tar used for? What is soapstone used for? What is ivory used for? What are some uses for sulfur? What is thuli...
Answer to: Suppose you had a patient that was unable to make bile salts. What digestive processes would be affected and what might be some of the...
@TunaLine -- There are some home remedies for gallbladder sludge, but most of them are temporary measures. One is to follow a good gallbladder diet. This involves avoiding saturated fats, pork, eggs, citrus fruits and nuts. Many people say that eating several small meals throughout the day...
This process depletes the fire of oxygen and slows the rate of combustion because inorganic salts within the retardant change how the fuels burn, according to Forest service guidelines. Plant cell walls are made up of cellulose, which normally decomposes when heated to produ...
It stores carbohydrates to be made into sugar later, when you are not eating. It produces bile, which helps you digest your food. Liver enzymes break down chemicals and drugs. Testing for liver function is a frequently requested blood test for abdominal pain amongst other conditions. ...
All opioids are known to cause constipation. They work by slowing down gut motility which allows for more fluid and salts to be drawn back into the body system.Imodium, when administered at safe levels, is not helpful for pain and, therefore, will not relieve any abdominal discomfort your ...
Call your doctor if your nausea or vomiting is not getting better and you have reflux.Seek immediate medical help if you are having: Trouble breathing Severe pain in the abdomen Chest pain Red or black colored vomits Non-stop vomits full of bile ...
What are the possible causes and effects of liver injury? What is the usual outcome of a liver injury? Deficiencies of vitamins A, D, and K occur in patients with cirrhosis primarily because of decreased? a. liver metabolism b. pr...