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Bidentate ligands have two donor atoms which allow them to bind to a central metal atom or ion at two points. Common examples of bidentate ligands areethylenediamine (en), and the oxalate ion (ox). What are bidentate ligands? Bidentate ligands areLewis bases that donate two pairs ("bi") o...
Use the Bostrom Algorithm to Filter Ligands By PDB cheminformatics quantum_chemistry Plot Quantum Theory and Basis Set versuses the Hamiltonian of small molecules development_operations Installation GlobalChem is going to be distribute via PyPi and as the tree and it's extensions grows we can expand...
Use the Bostrom Algorithm to Filter Ligands By PDB cheminformatics Principal Component Analysis of Common Universe & Visualizing Common Molecule Scaffold Graphs & WordClouds of Tainted Products quantum_chemistry Plot Quantum Theory and Basis Set versuses the Hamiltonian of small molecules ...