Digital Trends Sunglasses face: The sunglasses face emoji indicates that someone is your “Mutual BF.” A Mutual BF is someone who is the BF of one of your BFs. Fire: The fire emoji indicates that you have a “Snapstreak” with someone. A Snapstreak occurs when you Snap someone for mul...
Digital Trends Sunglasses face: The sunglasses face emoji indicates that someone is your “Mutual BF.” A Mutual BF is someone who is the BF of one of your BFs. Fire: The fire emoji indicates that you have a “Snapstreak” with someone. A Snapstreak occurs when you Snap someone for mul...
While enthusiast BFS reels are a major investment more affordable reels designed specifically for this technique, like the recently introduced Shimano Curado BFS, are much more accessible BFS Line/Lures:Although the line and lures do not know if there are being use on a spinning reel or a BFS ...