While an intransitive verb does not take a direct object, it can be used along with an adverb or adverbial phrase (as can a transitive verb). Examples: Intransitive verbs in a sentenceRita coughed. Rita coughed loudly. Rita coughed on me! Some verbs are ditransitive, meaning they have two...
Did you know that you use modal verbs of probability every day? Learn more about how modal verbs of possibility and probability work.
Have and has are two of the most common words in contractions, whether they’re preceded by subjects (we’ve, it’s) or phrased as negatives (haven’t, hasn’t). However, have and has can be used as contractions only when they’re modal verbs, another name for helper verbs. When ha...
As with single-word prepositions, these combinations can be used in many different ways. Using them correctly requires practice and careful attention. Other interesting language articles If you want to know more aboutnouns,pronouns,verbs, and otherparts of speech, make sure to check out some of ...
You can also add-sor –esto the end of most verbs to make them singular forsubject-verb agreement. one dog runs two dogsrun Second, affixes are used to make communication faster and more efficient. Instead of saying “He does not depend on anyone,” you can simply add the affixesin– ...
Vicesare often habitsrather than passions. (French writer Antoine Rivarol) A List of Common Suffixes SuffixMeaningExample -able, -iblecan be donecomfortable, passable -al, -ialhaving the characteristics ofpersonal -edpast-tense verbs (weak verbs)danced, jumped ...
dare, need, be able to, ought to, have to, need to, supposed to, used to Unlike the special nine modal verbs, these words and phrases do change form in sentences and clauses: A bearis able torun very fast. Bearsare able torun very fast. ...
This is an easy way to identify what you should be looking for after the verb. For morecomplex sentences, you can replace the verb with any of the linking verbs from the list above and read to see if it clarifies its status. Try It Out ...
It doesn't work as well for verbs or adjectives because, typically, those words are highly contextual within the source or target language. The best practice is to avoid phrase dictionary entries for anything but compound nouns. If you're using a phrase dictionary, capitalization and pu...
, permission and ability. A past modal verb implies something was possible, permitted, obligated or able to be done in the hypothetical sense, but didn’t actually happen. These verbs are combined with “have” to create the past modal structure. Here is a list of past modal verbs:...