An electronic circuit is made up of a number of passive and active components, which are connected using conducting wires. They are twotypes of circuitsthey are analog circuit and digital circuit. The input to an analog circuit is a continuous variable signal, which provides signal information li...
What are Motherboards? UTMEL23 June 20213393 The motherboard, also called the system board or mainboard, is one of the most basic and important components of a computer. The motherboard is generally a rectangular circuit board, on which is installed the main circuit ...
battery, main circuit board, a display and a backlight assembly. Various components are themselves made up of other components. For example, a smartphone's circuit board is comprised of components such as memory and a processor.
Circuit design utilizes discrete, pre-manufactured elements to form the circuit. In the case of IC design, there is an important difference. Here, the circuit elements are made from miniaturized components that are implemented on a silicon substrate using a process called photolithography. The photol...
Commodity Integrated Circuit Sometimes called "standard chips", these are produced in huge batches for routine processing purposes. Dominated by very large Asian chip manufacturers, this segment offers razor-thin profit margins that only the biggest semiconductor companies can compete for.5 ...
Identify and describe the five interrelated components of the COSO ERM framework. What are the four types of cloud computing services? What is the main circuit board of a system unit? What is a subnet, and why do networks need them?
In essence, vacuum tubes are fairly massive, high-power equipment. The discrete circuit components need to be manually connected, just as in any circuit. These effects lead to fairly massive and pricey gadgets for even the most basic computing functions. Computers five years ago ...
A single integrated circuit (IC), such as a microprocessor chip, can do the work of a set of vacuum tubes.Semiconductor MaterialsThere are several materials and elements used to make semiconductor. The basic requirement is that the material should not be a very good conductor of electricity, ...
programs come in many different shapes and sizes, but all of them are made up of three basic components: data structures, algorithms, and control structures. data structures are collections of related variables that store information that needs to be manipulated by the program algorithms define how...
with a relatively simple circuit by an audio signal generator. They have very low levels of harmonic distortion. These generators have a wide variety of application in electronic laboratories. Those generators which use intricate methods to generate audio signals for music are termed as the ...