WHAT IS THE BEST BAIT? Ask several persons this question, and you'll get several answers. Here is my simple answer to this question: FISH MAKES THE BEST CRAYFISH BAIT Traditionally crayfish traps in most countries are baited with fish. Swedes use sunfish, shiners and herring while Louisiana ...
Sculpins, even small ones, will generally bite as long as you present them with a reasonable-size bait. The flecks used for darters are often ignored. I got the fish and was out of the creek by the time Laura and Dan got back from getting a cup of coffee. So we actually did have ...
“You can uselive shad, sunfish, shiners, or even cut bait on a 4/0 Kahle hook. Nose-hook the bait and work it under a bobber, much like you would a plastic worm when bass fishing,” Montet explains. Here comes the tricky part. When you see indication of a bite, do absolutely no...
Bait shops usually carry flat head minnows and gold shiners for avid anglers, and European and Asian restaurants often have carp on the menu. The adaptability to different habitats and the large amount of eggs that the minnow can lay at one time makes it, arguably, the largest and most ...
What is the best sturgeon bait? Best Sturgeon Bait Nightcrawlersare typically the best bait for shovelnose sturgeon, though bear in mind that lots of other fish species may want in on that action. Nightcrawlers also work well for lake sturgeon, as will gizzard shad, emerald shiners and other ...
Grass Carp Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) are voracious feeders that can eat 40 to 300 percent of their body weight each day in plant material. They eat algae but can be selective eaters and prefer rooted vegetation such as grass on the side of the pond. However, grass carp are good...