Anytime you face adversity, it’s time to crack out yourDnD character sheetsand see what5e skillscan help you win the day. However, you should probably understand what each of the 18 skillsarewhile you’re inDnD character creatormode. To help you find the talents meant for you, below ar...
Rogues are masters of Action Economy, because their Cunning Action gives them several bonus actions abilities, and Uncanny Dodge lets them use a reaction to take half-damage from one attack each turn, provided the attack is visible to the rogue. Rounds and Turns in 5e In 5e, every character...
He notes that you should particularly take care when including entranceways. “If all the doors and passageways are 10” wide, huge creatures cannot enter or exit”. We would assume that the creature smashes through the passageway with their immense strength, but the point is: InDnD, sizemat...
Here are the new feats and backgrounds to do just that.Summary Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse marks the return of the Planescape setting to D&D 5e. Players can customize their characters to better fit the setting with seven new feats and two new backgrounds. Both of the new backg...
Initiative rolls are a type of ability check. Since you cannot add proficiency to rolling initiative, a bard will always get the JOAT bonus to initiative. Since there aren’t many ways to improve your initiative score, this is pretty great for bards, especially since (a) bards tend to ...
The Angry GM delivers advice to players and dungeon masters of fantasy role-playing games with humor, snark, and attitude. Game masters and players are sure to find something of use, whether they are playing AD&D, D&D 3.5, D&D 4E, 5E, Pathfinder, D&D Nex
Supporting and Inspiring English Learners By the Numbers 4.8M students across the US are English Learners.* 75% of classrooms now include at least one English Learner.† 82% of English Learners are born in the US.‡ When you start with what English Learners can do, they go ...
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Several DnD races from the Spelljammer setting returned for Spelljammer 5E. This includes the Giffs, which are humanoid hippos; Autognomes, who are mechanical beings built by Rock Gnomes; the ape-like Hadozees; the Thri-Kreen, who are four-armed insectoids; and Astral Elves, who pretty mu...
Wizards had already made attempts to divorce race from DnD stats in 5e supplements, and (as predicted), the new edition took this one step further. The biggest tweak in this department was that ability scores and proficiencies were now linked to backgrounds instead of race. Additionally, ...