While a baby won't see the difference between five teddy bears and six teddy bears in a lineup, he or she will notice a difference between five and 10 [source: Miller]. Number sense plays a vital role in the way animals navigate their environments -- environments where objects are ...
Quiz Course 53Kviews Cross-Pollination The bright colors, wonderful smells, and cool shapes of plants are not just for humans to enjoy. They actually have a very important job. These characteristics actually attract birds, insects, and other animals to help with the pollination process. When the...
By answering a series of scientific questions, we can tell you your exact age and real age personality quiz! Don't believe us? Take the guess my age quiz!
Don’t worry, there are no wrong answers. As you took our silly quiz, you may have noticed something strange going on. Our little quiz used several differentnouns, words we use to refer to people, places, and things. We use many different types of nouns, but the nouns in our quiz ar...
Does drinking cause breakouts? Acne and alcohol, explainedThe inside scoop on vampire facialsAsk an expert: How to prevent wrinklesAsk an expert: What are the best vitamins for anti-aging?Quiz: What your skincare routine says about your personality ...
Tardigrades, often called water bears or moss piglets, are tiny aquatic animals. Under a microscope, you can see their plump, segmented bodies and flat heads. They have eight legs, each tipped with four to eight claws, and look a bit like the caterpillar from "Alice in Wonderland." Thoug...
Mammals have backbones. Mammals might look different, but they all have bony skeletons. These skeletons hold us up and keep us going.Animalswith backbones are called vertebrates. Mammals have hair or fur. Some fur or hair is short, some is long. Some comes in cool patterns. But, we all...
There are lot of options for cooking oils these days. But what are the healthiest cooking oils and how can you use them when preparing and cooking food?When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. (...
Baby seals or sea lions are called pups, while baby walruses are known as calves. Pinnipeds can live in the womb for anywhere from 8 to 16 months, depending on how long the fertilized egg lies dormant. As you probably guessed from the name of their order, pinnipeds are carnivores and ...
Here are the What if's I wanted to see happen: Marvel What If What if…Captain Carter was part of the Civil War What if…Wanda Died instead of Peitro What if…Namor received kindness on the surface What if…Killmonger was taken to Wakanda as a Child ...