authoritarian regimeslinkageleverageregime changeThis paper seeks to investigate the role of the international environment in the democratic transition process in the post-Soviet South Caucasus states. Based on the famous theoretical model of linkage and leverage, the influence of two main regional actors...
[This can include] mass imprisonments, mass starvation as a political tactic, the use of the secret police to engender terror and the effort to suffocate or eliminate all political opposition. Most of the authoritarian regimes in the world today are not properly described as totalitarian in this...
Although sanctions force adversarial nations to pay a high cost, they do not, on their own — with the possible exception of South Africa — have a strong track record of unseating authoritarian regimes from power. Indeed, some even benefit from their political isolation. 尽管制裁迫使敌对国家付出...
wherein small families can hold almost all the power over economic welfare. Of course, there are authoritarian regimes that come from the military as well. These often take
Totalitarian regimes can instill a culture of fear, conformity, and mistrust among citizens, affecting mental health and social cohesion. The pervasive control over life can lead to a sense of powerlessness and isolation. 5 Are dictatorships always authoritarian? Most dictatorships are authoritarian, ...
After the end of the First World War, authoritarian regimes began coming to power in Europe and Asia. Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922 establishing the first Fascist regime in history, followed by Japan, where the military came to wield even greater power through the 1920s ...
All of the regimes we will examine, autocratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian, are undemocratic. They all involve some measure of preventing contestation and dispute of political offices. With that in mind, what is autocracy? It is the concentration of public power in the hands of one person ...
's people live under some form of authoritarian rule, and authoritarian regimes govern about a third of the world's countries. In Authoritarianism: What Everyone Needs to KnowRG, Erica Frantz guides us through today's authoritarian wave, explaining how it came to be and what its features are...
At the same time, other authoritarian regimes will see that invaders of smaller countries and wars get away with it. You just need to renegotiate later and pretend that you are going to keep your promises. Is such a world safe? Certainly not. ...
because the attacks on Washington and New York City did not achieve bin Laden's key strategic goal: the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Middle East, which he imagined would lead to the collapse of all the American-backed authoritarian regimes in the region. 因为对华盛顿和纽约的攻击没有达到...