Mobile payment, as a new form of transactional payment method, has garnered attention from users. However, few studies have discussed the mobile payment behavior of the elderly. Our research aims to explore the influencing factors on elderly’s intention to use mobile payments. This research estab...
Using assistive devices: A brace, cane, crutch or other assistive devices can help take the stress off the joint, Dr. Tiberi says. Other devices — such as a grabber or bath stool — can make it easier to perform tasks that would otherwise be challenging, per the Cleveland Clinic....
Ambient intelligence has the potential to break down barriers and promote accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. By integrating assistive technologies and adaptive interfaces, ambient intelligence can facilitate independent living, communication, and mobility for people with diverse abili...
Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) are neuro-products recognized to pose many ethical, legal, and social issues. The health and well-being of people and society—or in other words the ability to have a good life—are a main social issue. BCIs might...
Assistive devices (walker, bedside commode) Cognitive therapy Improved bathroom access Physical therapy When to Contact a Healthcare Provider Urinary incontinence can beembarrassing and inconvenient, but there are ways to manage it. Contact a healthcare provider if it interferes with daily life, causes...
function due to an accident. If the policyholder experiences a covered dismemberment event, such as the loss of a hand, a foot, or the ability to see or hear, they may be eligible to receive a lump-sum payout to help cover medical expenses, assistive devices, and other necessary ...
Virtual reality enables learners to interact with a virtual environment with the help of equipment and devices. Here the slightest movements of the individual can be tracked, and it enables the users to totally immerse themselves in the virtual environment that is artificially created for them to ...
The severity of these impairments can vary widely, from mild limitations to profound disabilities that require extensive support or assistive devices. Prevalent forms of physical impairments include, but are not limited to: Mobility impairments: Conditions that affect an individual's ability to move, ...
Being able to review and recommend ways, which enable a person to get up from a fall in a timely manner are essential; this can be achieved in various ways. If someone has a propensity to fall, teach techniques to get up off the floor using the furniture around them, the support of ...
Telecare is a term used to define any type of assistive technology that protects users and gives them the confidence to continue living independently. This technology is typically installed in the homes of the elderly, but it can also be used to monitor individuals with special needs. Telecare...