In this blog, we will be discussing all aspects of OOPs, starting with what OOPs are and how they are different from procedural programming. Moreover, we will see the basic composition of OOPs along with the practical applications of this concept in real-world scenarios. Table of Contents: ...
frameworks are large chunks of pre-written code which form the basis for creating software applications on top of them without having to start from scratch again each time you want to create a new project. they provide common functionalities needed when building any sort of program such as ...
desktop computers are compatible with a variety of operating systems, including windows and linux®. windows is the most used operating system, providing a user-friendly interface and compatibility with a wide range of software applications. linux® is an open-source operating system favored by ...
A document in MongoDB resembles an object in OOPS. If we are having large tables with a huge amount of data (up to millions), then we can manage them easily with the help of MongoDB. Inserting new fields to MongoDB is very easy because it won’t update the entire table if we ...
Java’s incorporated memory management features streamline the programming process. Garbage collection processes are effective, but they lack the precision and efficiency of human Laboure. Java applications, as a consequence, are notorious for being less efficient and being heavy on memory. ...
I am not keen to share my own thoughts about the case here, but I would like to offer clarity around the specific area of Word in question, and suggestions for what people can do about it if they are using that functionality today. There is much confusion abou...
Anaconda and Miniconda are software distributions. Anaconda comes with over 150 data science packages, everything you could imagine, whereas, Miniconda comes with a handful of what’s needed. A package is a piece of code someone else has written which can be run a...
This is because more assembly instructions are internally generated to ensure total privacy and encapsulation.By using exceptional handling we slow down the process, so is the case with virtual functions.So C++ is not suited in embedded applications which are limited by memory and speed. Was ...
The combination of the two disturbances (i.e. the two “virtual particles”) remains a particle with the energy, momentum and mass of the incoming electron. Now there are many other types of disturbances that fields can exhibit that are not particles. Another example, and scientifically o...
ProvStatus >= 1000 are completed, those still running will have no statusdate worth using in this case. On SQL Server changing the length of the convert statement to 7 characters you can group it by month, 4 to get per year. On Oracle you can change to to_char conversions to YYYY-...