Even if they are an open team, they need an injunction, Kessler said, because the open agreement teams must sign releases NASCAR of antitrust claims. Although they have signed the agreements in the past, which NASCAR argued implies their consent, Kessler argued that the injunction focuses on t...
They reasoned that antitrust laws are the answer to this concern. Although the first piece of antitrust legislation was the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, the landmark antitrust legislation in the United States was the Sherman Act of 1890. The Clayton Act soon followed in 1914. Also in 19...
One of the year’s biggest shakeups has been a major legal settlement with the NAR, which changes the way your buyer’s agent gets paid. While the NAR admitted to no wrongdoing, it will pay $418 million to settle more than a doze...
” Greedflation refers to giant corporations marking up prices and fattening profits. They get away with this because they dominate their respective markets. Antitrust policies are supposed to restrain such corporate greed. But prior to Biden, the enforcement of antitrust policies had beenfeeblefor...
Unhedged: When people think about structural remedies (ie, break-ups), the first case that comes to mind is AT&T. What’s the right way to understand the history of the AT&T case in thinking about today’s antitrust lawsuits against Big Tech?
As a general matter, we expect that the antitrust agencies will be more receptive to mergers than under the Biden administration. One of the most significant developments in the last year was the FTC’s announcement of new HSR Rules and a new HSR Form, which require substantially more informa...
If confirmed by the Senate, Slater will replace Jonathan Kanter and grapple with the various antitrust lawsuits and investigations against the tech industry and other sectors already underway. Slater, whose nomination isn’t likely to face much opposition on Capitol Hill, worked as a special ...
but yesterday confirmed it for me. I don’t see my future being in the United States,” she said in aThreads post on Wednesday. “Even if he’s only in office for 4 years, even if the anti-trans regulations magically don’t happen, the people who willingly voted this in are not go...
As a result of a recent credit card antitrust settlement, smaller merchants may now more easily negotiate interchange fees.15Previously, most smaller merchants weren’t able to easily negotiate interchange fees. However, large businesses have had more success negotiating them because of the amount of...
As a result of a recent credit card antitrust settlement, smaller merchants may now more easily negotiate interchange fees.15Previously, most smaller merchants weren’t able to easily negotiate interchange fees. However, large businesses have had more success negotiating them because of the amount of...