She needs someone there to cheer her on.cheer someone on:为某人打气,声援某人柯林斯英语释义:When you cheer someone on, you shout loudly in order to encourage them, for example when they are taking part in a game.例句:A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on. Most wil...
针对此患者的特点,最佳的护患关系模式为大题患者男性,65岁,农民,小学文化,食管癌术后。护士在探视时间与其进行交谈。交谈过程中,护士手机来电,护士立刻将手机关闭。此时患者感到伤口阵阵疼痛,并很烦躁;患者的女儿轻轻地安慰,但交谈无法再进行下去,不得不终止 ...
Anecdotes:Similar to allegory,anecdoteshave a complete narrative structure. They are short stories told to make a point. The difference is that anecdotes are true stories used to exemplify a specific message, whereas allegories are mostly fictional tales that convey broader meanings. When are allegori...
25岁,已婚妇女,婚后2年不孕,月经尚规律,停经45天后,阴道出血1个月,量少,无腹痛,妇检:宫颈充血,较软,子宫稍大,亦较软,附件(-),宫颈粘液涂片为羊齿状结晶,尿妊娠试验(-)(3) 、为同时解决不孕问题,同步进行的治疗应为
Hayles diversifies her range of tutor texts to include digital works, but retains a narrative organization in the form of the persona, Kaye, which frames the text as personal journey. Manovich, similarly, employs first-person anecdotes to introduce many of the chapters in hisLanguage of New ...
Types of Expository Writing Incomposition studies, expository writing (also calledexposition) is one of the four traditionalmodes of discourse. It may include elements ofnarration,description, andargumentation. Unlike creative orpersuasive writing, which can appeal to emotions and use anecdotes, expository...
In the Middle Ages, fables became popular in Europe, thanks to Latin translations of Aesop's works. Later, French author Jean de La Fontaine revitalized the fable genre in the 17th century with hisFables Choisies, a collection that drew on both Aesop's works and contemporary anecdotes. ...
Short stories have always served many purposes. Some of them provide interesting myths and tales that teach us some facts in history. Others serve as a way to inform the public about a certain culture. Several are simply anecdotes, just like the short story "What Language Do Bears Speak" by...
aPlease select three of the following five prompts and provide a response of approximately 150 words to each. Your responses will be read by Notre Dame admissions counselors as we seek to learn more about you. We encourage you to use personal examples, anecdotes, or anything that helps differe...
Legions of materialists are no doubt busy writing their rejoinders; but there will be few points left for them to make that Chalmers hasn’t made already. We of the materialist opposition cannot go on about how he has overlooked this and misunderstood that—because he hasn’t. All we can...