government executed its promise to remove economic sanctions from Iran, in line with the agreement established the previous year. Sanctions related to violations of human rights, the use of missiles, and support of terrorism stayed in effect. The 2016 Nuclear Summit took place in Washington D.C....
Despite resistance by school officials and following extensive administrative proceedings, the mother ultimately succeeded in having her child evaluated, classified as neurologically impaired and provided with special education services. Plaintiffs then sued for compensatory and punitive damages incurred in the...
APOAfloat Pre-Positioning Operations(US DoD) APOAdvance Purchase Order APOArmenian Philharmonic Orchestra(Yerevan, Armenia) APOApplication Platform Optimization(Microsoft) APOAlternative Primatial Oversight APOAdministrative Penalty Order APOAgile Program Office ...
CAF Clerical, Administrative and Fiscal (US military grade) CAF Commander, Airborne/Air Assault Force (US DoD) CAF Child, Adolescent, and Family CAF Cosmetology Advancement Foundation CAF Comité des Armateurs Fluviaux (French industrial water transportation association) CAF Cyprus Airsports Federation ...