Well, the first theory says the accretion process was similar to the one that formed the rocky planets, with some key differences. Remember, the gas giants are farther from the sun, where temperatures are much colder.So, in the outer accretion disk, compounds like water and ammonia exist in...
Remember, the gas giants are farther from the sun, where temperatures are much colder. So, in the outer accretion disk, compounds like water and ammonia exist in frozen form. Closer to the sun, they are more likely to be vaporized by solar radiation. What this means is that in addition ...
Stellar winds from the companion star, HDE 226868, blow material onto the accretion disk surrounding the black hole. As this material falls into the black hole, it emits X-rays. X-ray image of Cygnus X-1 taken from orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory Photo courtesy NASA/CXC In addition ...
Quantum entanglement, in the simplest terms, means that aspects of one particle of an entangled pair depend on aspects of the other particle, no matter how far apart they are or what lies between them. These particles could be, for example, electrons or photons, and an aspect could ...
(Accretion is the process by which matter is fed to a celestial body, like a star, white dwarf, neutron star or black hole.) Detached binaries are binary stars that do not exchange material. Semidetached binaries are stars in which some material flows from one star to the other. And ...
D t r B= ρΒγ () ρϖ−ηρΒ∆τρϖ= ρΒγ () ρΒ−Π−νρϖ,γρϖ=0 Thesearetoyequations,inthesensethatviscosity andresistivityareincludedinthesimplestpossible way,andasconstants.Indenseenvironments (insidestarsandaccretiondisks)thiscanbe ~realistic,butingeneralit’snot...
But what about those gas planets in the outer solar system, in the outer accretion disk?Well, the first theory says the accretion process was similar to the one that formed the rocky planets, with some key differences.Remember, the gas giants are farther from the sun, where temperatures are...
Proper motions measured in some objects are sub-relativistic. Other processes, such as synchrotron radiation from shock-accelerated gas around the outflows could give rise to radio emissions as well. Near the launching region, these outflows may be driven by the thermal energy of the accretion ...
Proper motions measured in some objects are sub-relativistic. Other processes, such as synchrotron radiation from shock-accelerated gas around the outflows could give rise to radio emissions as well. Near the launching region, these outflows may be driven by the thermal energy of the accretion ...
Proper motions measured in some objects are sub-relativistic. Other processes, such as synchrotron radiation from shock-accelerated gas around the outflows could give rise to radio emissions as well. Near the launching region, these outflows may be driven by the thermal energy of the accretion ...