Have you ever seen a flock of geese or a herd of cows? Words like flock and herd are called 'collective nouns' because they refer to a group of things. What do you think a group of foxes is called?Answer and Explanation: If you see a group of foxes, what would you call it?
Nouns that name a group of people or things are called collective nouns. Even though they name several things, they are considered singular. Examples include 'family,' 'class,' 'jury,' or 'team.' Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: ...
sconflictwithherson?A.Toleadintheuseofperiodintexting.B.Toemphasizethegreatpowerofwords.C.Toshowyoungsters?attitudestowardstexting.D.Tosuggesttherightuseofpunctuationmarks.( )6.WhyisJuanAbenanteRinconmentionedinthetext?A.Tomakeassessmentsontherecentstudy.B.Toconfirmthefindingsoftherecentstudy.C.Toputforwa...
Most trees and shrubs have leaves and conifers are no exception. Their foliage helps to convert water and sunlight into food to nourish the plant through a process called photosynthesis. Conifers:Conifers belong to a group of plants called gymnosperms, these plants produce their seeds inside ...
spendanaverageof$110/daywhenyouaresolo.Ifyouhavejustoneotherperson,you?dbeable tosplitthecostsalmostperfectlyinhalf.Ifyou havetwootherpeoplealong,takeitdowntoone thirdandsoon.Themorethemerrier. SouthAfrica,$40/day AnyhostelsinSouthAfricaareinbeautiful settingsandeachhasauniquepersonality,andaffordabletoo....
what film what gets measured ge what gold what good are trees what had drafted what happen in vegas what happened to you what happens inside m what has gone is that what hashad become of what have we learned what have you what he may have left what hour what i choose tro do what ...
It has a great influence on the travelling of the locals. Additionally, considering the needs of the natives along the railway line, fruit baskets are allowed to take on the train for sale in the era of the green train. Netizens rate t...
- There are days when Simone regrets marrying me. Am I right, my darling?- More than a few.- Yes, I imagine she dreams of stifling me with a pillow or casting me aside like an old shoe.more than a few:很多stifle /'staɪf(ə)l/:使窒息cast aside:抛弃 30:49 - See, I don...
Reading is a lifelong journey. Put yourself into a world of books and get lost in another world—but where do you start? 1. ◆ Ask a librarian (图书管理员). The best people to throw your questions are librarians! 2. If you tell a librarian what you’ve read before and what ...
The lovely koala is in danger. It’s sad for animal lovers___that this cute animal is now on the endangered (濒危的) list. The Australian Koala Group___there are 43,000 koalas in the wild.The number falls because of illnesses, loss of living places, bush fires and so on. The WWF...