Small rocket boosters keep each satellite flying on the correct path. Here are some other interesting facts about the GPS satellites: The official USDOD name for GPS is NAVSTAR. The first GPS satellite was launched in 1978. A full constellation of 24 satellites was achieved in 1994. Each ...
Air Lesson for Kids: Definition, Properties & Facts from Chapter 3 / Lesson 9 122K Learn about air and the properties of the gases that compose the air on planet Earth. Discover the chemical composition of air, the boundaries of Earth's atmosphere, and fun facts about air. Related...
Using the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) as an analog is misleading. We don’t know what caused it, although hypotheses have been proposed. However, we must consider that the PETM took place during a warm (hothouse) period of the planet, while currently we are in a cold (icehous...
POINT: We know what to do and have come close to understanding much of nature in the last 200 years. In particular the last 20 years when most of the pseudo science of the Agenda 21 movement has been proven false by observation, especially the claims of IPCC politicians that are denied b...
What Lies Beneathis an important report. It does not deliver new facts and figures, but instead provides a new perspective on the existential risks associated with anthropogenic global warming. And is that because it was written by climate scientists who are best qualified to comment on climate ...
The RAND Corporation I have been working on Milankovitch Theory for about three years, trying to understand it. In doing so, I have gained some new insights into this theory. I have also discovered that there are some misconceptions about what it is. This brief note summarizes ...
but one of the things that really motivated me to get into academia1is science literacy – the idea that non-scientists need and/or want to know some shit about how and why the world works the way it does. Fall 2022 has begun, so my students are the focus, but I’m hoping to post...
Don’t buy products with CFC’s : Although CFC’s are banned in most of the products, kindly make sure about the contents from the label especially on deodorants and hair sprays. Avoid using laughing gas : Laughing gas is also known as nitrous oxide. The use of nitrous...
The position ofRussia, which accounts for 5% of global emissions, is predictable. Under Kyoto Russia committed to keep its emissions below 1990 levels and its emissions are still well below 1990 levels (Figure 3). Putin has other things to worry about anyway. ...
Although the weather-charts seen on TV forecasts show only what is happening close to the surface, the forecasts themselves are made with much reference to goings-on in the upperTroposphere. In upper-air meteorology, pressure-patterns are as important as they are down here at the surface. Atmo...