Ching, Christina B.AUANews
It is almost instinctual for us to head to the doctor’s office to get a prescription when faced with an infection or other illness. However, the antibiotics often prescribed usually wind up doing much more harm than good,killing off healthy bacteria and the bad pathogens. While antibiotics do...
In most cases, the best treatment for a urinary tract infection (UTI) is a course of antibiotics. Which antibiotics are prescribed depend on the type of bacteria responsible.
I try to buy food that was produced without the use of antibiotics, and I guess antibiotic resistance is a good reason to keep doing it. Antibiotics are a wonderful thing. They have helped us so much. But there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. And it sounds like antibio...
Antibiotics treat a bacterial infection. If you have UTIs often (called recurrent UTIs), you may be given antibiotics to take regularly. You will be given directions for when and how to use antibiotics. The goal is to prevent UTIs but not cause antibiotic resistance by using antibiotics too ...
If you have been prescribed antibiotic eye drops for your eye infection, then you should certainly finish the course of antibiotics before wearing contact lenses again. Whatever you do, make sure you visit your GP or optician to ensure that the infection has cleared up before wearing your lenses...
How do you treat an eye infection? Your doctor may take a culture sample from the affected area so that they can determine the type of infection and the most effective treatment. Antibiotics, antiviral medications, antibioticeye drops, creams or cold or hot compresses are all common treatments...
You may also need antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection. Ask your healthcare provider about feeding your baby when you have a breast infection.What can I do to help prevent breast problems while I breastfeed?Help your baby get a good latch. Hold the nape of his or her neck to help...
Bacterial infections sometimes go away on their own or with some sort of disinfectant if they are a topical infection; others require antibiotics. However, even an acute infection caused by a virus will not be helped in any way by antibiotics, and must be treated with fluids, rest, and heal...
Antibiotics are given to treat pneumonia caused by bacteria. You may be given antibiotics as pills or through your IV. Steroids are given to reduce swelling in your lungs. You may need extra oxygen if your blood oxygen level is lower than it should be. You may get oxygen through a mask ...