In the middle of the city of Orario, an imposing labyrinth towers over the residents. The city is run by the gods who have descended from the heavens and formed their own factions. The tiny Goddess Hestia has the smallest faction, with only 1 in her family, the rookie adventurer Bell. ...
“[Japanese] have a reputation for being polite […], although I wouldn’t go that far. They have plenty of ways of being rude, but at least they do it freaking quietly. Even the minor put-downs seem almost innocent just because they’re delivered so delicately.”– Ken Seeroi, Japane...
Beauty Inside:There’s no way I could keep up with all the new dramas that have launched in the past two weeks, so I’m being selective about what to continue with.Beauty Insideis at the top of my list for a few different reasons, like the mix of breeziness and poignancy, the odd...