What animals really think译为动物的真实想法。重点词汇解释:1、animal n. 动物 adj. 动物的 2、really adv. 实际上,事实上;真正地,真实地;真的吗 3、think vt. 想;认为;想起;想像;打算 vi. 想;认为 n. 想;想法 adj. 思想的 ...
它们的思维可能要比这深刻得多。 What Animals Really Think Eugene Linden Over the years, I have written extensively about animal-intelligence experiments and the controversy that surrounds them. Do animals really have thoughts, what we ca...
应该是what do animals really think?意思是动物到底在想什么
Text A翻译(黑体字是课后填空题) What Animals Really Think 动物到底想些什么 Eugene Linden 尤金·林登1 Over the years, I have written extensively about animal-intelligence experiments and thecontroversythatsurroundsthem.Doanimalsreallyhavethoughts,whatwecallconsciousness?Wonderingwhethere might be better ways...
内容提示: WHAT ANIMALS REALLY THINK Euqene Linden Over the years, I have written extensively about animal-intelligenceexperiments and the controversy that surrounds them. Do animals really have thoughts, what we call consciousness? Wondering whether there might be better ways toexplore animal ...
Doyouthinktheseanimalshaveintelligence?Intelligenceisthepowerof,learning,understandingandknowing;mentalability Rankthemaccordingtotheirintelligence.Reasons.pigmonkeytigerelephantturtlewhale dogparrot dinosaurgorilla TextA---WhatAnimalsReallyThink Doyouhaveyourpersonalexperiencesaboutanimalintelligence?Anexampleaboutanape’s...
大学英语-综合教程1-Unit-7-What-Animals-Really-Think.doc,Unit 6 What Animals Really Think 1. controversy: [U] [C] + over / about / on eg. There was a heated ~ over the building of the bridge. I was engaged in a ~ with / against her on the issue. contradic
Unit 6 What Animals Really Think 1.controversy:[U] [C]+ over / about / on eg. There was a heated ~over the building of the bridge. I was engaged in a ~ with / against heron the issue. contradiction:矛盾A is in contradiction with B. contradictory(adj.)A and B are contradictory. ...