Abilities:When her hair is loose, Alukah can turn into a bat and fly. She can alsoshapeshiftinto a wolf. She is a seductive, beautiful female who can lure men to their death. She has two daughters whom she needs to feed, and they will all die without enough blood. She has the abil...
No, it's not possible for humans to turn into wolves. Werewolves do not exist in reality. However, there is an actual medical condition called Lycanthropy, where people believe they have turned into, or regularly transform into, other animals (most notably wolves). Can humans morph into animals?
Jinn are spirits from Arab mythology. They’re similar to ghosts, but are actually a separate kind of entity. They’re said to be able to shapeshift into any kind of living thing, and don’t love to interact with people. When they do, though, they’re often tricksters. Demon Demons a...
Similar to werehyenas are the Buda: spirits who can shapeshift into hyenas and allegedly perform evil deeds like poisoning people's food and causing people to fall ill. The lobizón of Argentina is a werewolf that looks like a pig and a dog. It transmits its curse to other people by walk...