A deep place in a body of water. Cave A hollow or natural passage under or into the earth, especially one with an opening to the surface. Hole An animal's hollowed-out habitation, such as a burrow. Cave A storage cellar, especially for wine. Hole An ugly, squalid, or depressing dwell...
The horntail wasps bore tunnels into the trees to live in them rather than eat the tree tissue. Instead, these wasps thrive on the fungus that proliferates among the eggs that they lay in the burrowed holes. Powderpost beetles The insect is named so because of the sawdust-like powder they...
The geoduck is, in fact, the world's largest burrowing clam that can live to age 150 or longer. Geoducks are native to the Pacific Coast, and the name – pronounced gooey duck – comes from a Native American reference to the mollusk's tendency to burrow several feet down into the ...
Terrier (from the French word terrier [tɛʁje], meaning "burrow") is a type of dog originally bred to hunt vermin. A terrier is a dog of any one of many breeds or landraces of the terrier type, which are typically small, wiry, game, and fearless. Hound A domestic dog of any...
When the frenzy is over and their job is complete, the adult cicadas will die. After around six weeks the eggs will hatch, and the baby cicadas (nymphs) will drop to the ground. And, just like their parents before them, will burrow into the earth. ...
Nematodes are not insects butmicroscopic, long, thin worms, which is why a common name for them is eelworms. This soil-borne pest causes stunted, unproductive plants. ... When nematodes burrow into the roots they stimulate the development of galls on the roots which become swollen, disfigured...
”–The full extent of what he meantbecame clearas the two presidents extended summit invitations to each other during yesterday’s 90-minute conversation. Forget about joining NATO or US boots on the ground. Ukraine would have to concede territory that Russia began seizing back in 2014…Zelens...
HEY BABE! PETS STAR IN TINSELTOWN; They say the British are wild about animals, but if you want to know what a really wacky pet lover is like you have to go to Hollywood.(Features)Fashion designer Shelly Bomb and her cat Chicky Bonn Bonn are one of Hollywood's strangest and...Hildred...
juicy meal for many larger animals. As a result they tend to try and keep themselves safe, hiding away in burrows, under logs or in silken retreats in trees. Very rarely will tarantulas in the wild go out and seek out prey to consume; they tend instead to lie in wait for suitable foo...
burrow in soil. Many other extant amphibians spend time in soil but feed and breed above ground [22,23]. In contrast, many adult terrestrial caecilians are highly fossorial, dedicated burrowers that feed and breed within moist soils [24]. Terrestrial caecilians inhabit different layers of soil,...