What animal group are spiders in? Spiders: Spiders are related to insects, crustaceans and centipedes. These animals are known for their web making ability. As hunters, they capture prey using silk and externally digest their captives. Answer and Explanation:1 ...
sunbirdsdrinkhoney,countingfirefliesandwatchingyoungplantsgrow.Thenherparentsdecided tomovetoanearbycity54. bettereducationalchances,andthen shestopped having first-handexperiencewithnature. Later,asshestruggled55. (choose) acollegemajor,hermothersuggestedacareerin forestry(林业).That?swhenherjourneybegan, and...
Birds (A) To be considered a bird, there are two traits they must have. Feathers. Female birds lay eggs. If it doesn't have either of these traits, it is not a bird! You notice it doesn't have to fly to be a bird - think about penguins! Mammals (B) They must have thes...
Why is a Group of Jellyfish Called a Smack? The term “smack of jellyfish” was invented as an informal name to describe the characteristics of this animal. Jellyfish are called a smack because that’s what it feels like when they sting you. They can also cause swelling and red skin,...
A colony can consist of several families of rabbits that share resources and look out for one another, just like a lot of other animal species. Colonies are especially common among wild rabbits, with a notable example being the European rabbit. Another popular name for a group of rabbits is...
Groups are a small version of a course and used as a collaborative tool where a minimum of two students can work together on group projects and - 16
One large question, which encompasses several smaller questions, is whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded like birds and mammals, or cold-blooded like reptiles. These aren't scientific terms, and they have nothing to do with the actual temperature of an animal's blood. Instead, they describe how...
Moreover, as the ecological valence theory proposes, our perception of objects (including animal species) is forged by the compilation of previous experiences and knowledge on the shape and colours, and the same most likely applies to birds33,34. Here, however, we did not aim to separate thos...
2. Howare you ?你好啊? 3. Close your eyes.闭上你的眼睛。 4. Welcome to our group.欢迎来我们组。 5 What's in it?里面是什么? 练习册系列答案 新课程学习与检测系列答案 新课堂单元达标活页卷系列答案 学考2加1系列答案 国华图书学业测评系列答案 ...
Focus question. What are some reasons animals build? 焦点问题。动物建造的一些原因是什么? animal builders. Not all builders are human, some builders are animals, they build homes for themselves and their young. They build for protection and to catch prey....