As a private citizen, there are steps to go through in order to own a gun of any kind. To own a fully automatic gun, there are additional hurdles. You must be 18 years or over to buy a shotgun or rifle (and ammo for shotguns or rifles). To purchase all other firearms, you need...
Tommy Two Spurs (Tommy Mosier) at his Eagle Scout Court. I can't tell you how proud I am of him. He has visited, shot with me and worked with me for years in my shop. A great young man from a great family. His father (Splinter Jack) and grandfather (Peddler Jack) are SASS sho...
Some items are only dropped by higher level versions of monsters, so I've had to rely on card modding for certain items (e.g. Energy Crystal, a crafting ingredient for Pulse Ammo, which is a crafting ingredient for Squall's ultimate sword, Lion Heart). Also, to make Pulse Ammo, ...